Sunday, September 2, 2018

Budi Priyatna : The First Son Lives of Soemantri Dendadimadja

[Dalam foto: Bapa Budi (In the photograph: Father Budi)].

Ditulis berdasarkan obrolan pada Hari Senin, 30 Agustus 2018, Dayeuhkolot, saat langit reu'euk.

Wroten based on communication in Thursday, August 30th 2018, Dayeuhkolot, when the sky was greying cloud.

\\:'Ieu foto Bapa, makè kameja beureum ti Aki'.

\\:"This is my photograph, wear the red shirt a gift from Grand Father".

//:'ari nu rambutna gondrong saha?'.

//:"who is the man long haired?".

[Dalam Foto: Mang Gatot. (In the photograph: Uncle Gatot)].

\\:'Mang Gatot èta mah'.

\\:"That was Uncle Gatot".

//:'ari Mang Yuyu?'.

//:"how about Uncle Yuyu?'.

\\:'Mang Yuyu sudah tida di Nilem. Jika tida ikut dengan Atih dan Kang Unang, mungkin di Tasik, SMPU nambal jalan (proyèk). Mang Dedy di Cijagra (Parakan)'.

\\:"Uncle Yuyu was not at Nilem anymore. If he didn't follow to Atih and Old Brother Unang, might be at Tasik, SMPU covering the hole in the street (project). Uncle Dedy at Cijagra (Parakan)".

\\:'Mang Yuyu balik ka Bandung, cicing di Babakan Wates. Di nilem; Aki, Ibu, Bapa jeung Uwa Èma. Wa Tika meninggal pas Bapa keur 4 taun, Mang Yuyu 3 taun, Mang Dedy keur dipapangku, Mang Gatot acan lahir'.

\\:"Uncle Yuyu went back to Bandung, stayed at Babakan Wates. At Nilem; Grand Father, Mother,me, and Aunt Èma. Aunt Tika was die when I was 4 years old, Uncle Dedy was still huging up, Uncle Gatot wasn't yet born".

Kini Bapa sering merasa kedinginan jika di beranda, apalagi jika lagi hujan.

Present Father often getting cold if stay on the margin of the house building, and more over if raining.

//: 'ari pangalaman kasehatan kumaha?'.

//:'how about healthy experiences?'.

:\\'Pernah ogè mangsa keur masih sakola, 2 poè ka cai gè ngorondang, sabab bitis pecah ototna. Pecah di dalam; si daging renggang, aya gajihna, ti gajih kana daging misah. Kajadianna pas lagi olah raga di sakola. Kajadian ieu babarengan jeung Endang Bolèd, sahandapeun ngan awakna gedè manèhna mah'.

:\\"It was ever got when I still study in school, 2 days if go to the toilet I had to crawled, its 'cause my calf's biseps foot were broken. Innery broken; the met had a distance, there were creases, from the crease to the met were divorce. That event was at the same time with Endang Boled, younger than me, but his body was bigger he was".

:\\'Pernah ogè dirawat sebab kalèob. Pan baheula mah tèko tèh tina sèng, disimpen dina bangku. Bapa budak leutik kènèh leumpang mapay-mapay, kasèblok wèh awak'.

:\\"And I also ever got maintenance 'cause hot water. You know in the past time the tèko was made from zinc material, puted on the banco. I was a kid when I walk slowly on it, the hot water drop to my body".

://'ari nu di Bogor saha?'.

://'who was in Bogor City?'.

:\\'Di Bogor; Aki Iyus jeung Ma Upu, adina Aki, teu boga anak. Wa Èma sakola di ditu, dibaturan ku Uwa Tati, jeung Uu (Ibunya Aki) ogè. Daerah Jl. Bodongan (ayeuna Jalan Pahlawan), Perumahan Pertani, depan Perumahan Polisi dan di belakang Rumah Sakit Bersalin Melania (RS Bersalin Korban Laki-laki). Sebelum Aki, Aki Iyus jeung Ma Upu sudah meninggal, taun 80-an. Nu dines di Perhutani: Aki Iyus. Ma Upu adi saindung sabapa jeung Aki'.

:\\"In Bogor City; Grand Father Iyus and Grand Mother Upu, the young sister of Grand Father, hasn't any child. Aunt Ema got school there, accompanied by Aunt Tati, and also Uu (the mother of Grand Father). In the area of Bodongan Street (at present Pahlawan Street), Pertani's Housing Complex, in front of The Police's Housing Complex and bacwardest Melania's Birth Hospitals (A hospital for The Victims of Man). Before Grand Father, Grand Father Iyus and Grand Mother Upu was die, amouñg the years of 80. A person whom got duty in Perhutani was Grand Father Iyus. Grand Mother Upu is a young sister who has one same mother and also one same father with Grand Father".

://'urang mana Aki aslina?'.

://'where was the origin's Grand Father came from?'.

:\\'Bapana Aki orang Ujung Berung, Cinambo, ibuna Aki orang Garut'.

:\\"The Grand Father's Father was Oejoeng Beroung's people, The Mother of Grand Father was from Garut City".

:\\'Ibu Ai turunan Pekalongan, anak ka-2 ti Mama Ilyas. Mama Ilyas lahir taun 1900, bungsu, lanceuknya 9. Makam kaka kakana di Sukajadi. 1880-an ogè aya.
Lamun nu cikal 1780 kaharti teu ku kamu?'.

:\\"Mother `Ai is Pekalongan's down line of her genetical, a 2nd child of The Father of Grand Father Ilyas. The Father of Grand Father Ilyas was born in 1900, he was the last child who has had 9 persons older of brother and sister. The grove of his older brother and sister at Sukajadi. There was also an old brother or sister who was born amoung 1880. (How) if the first older was born in 1780 can you understand?".

:\\'Tah lamun indungna Aki, lahirna 7 taun setelah Krakatau 1883. Jadi 1890, nya?'.

:\\"Here if The Mother of Grand Father, she was born 7 years after Krakatau in 1883. That's equal with 1890, wasn't?".


://"Yes it was".

:\\'Maotna Buyut Salèh taun 1927 dalam usia 77 taun. Berarti lahirnya perkiraan taun lahir 1850. Kalau punya anaknya taun 1880?'.

:\\"The Grand Father of Grand Father Saleh was die in the year of 1927 in the age 77 years old. This mean aproximately he was born in the year of 1850. If he has had a child in the year of 1880?".

://'kaharti kènèh'.

://'still in understandable'.

:\\'Euweuh nu nganyahokeun lahirna taun sabaraha waè, ngan maotna wèh wungkul'.

:\\"There were no one knew nor told us the years time borning of them all, there were only their years time of death".

:\\'Bapana Aki jeung Bapana Ibu, kolot kènèh Bapana Ibu. Nama Gang Saleh, diambil dari nama Akinya Ibu. Tokoh masyarakat'.

:\\"(Between) The Father of Grand Father and The Father of Grand Mother, The Father of Grand Mother was elder. The name of Gang Saleh, being taking from the name of Grand Father of Grand Mother's name. He (Saleh) was a figure in his society's living place".
Sungguh aku merasa terkejut atas beberapa keterangan Bapa mengenai sejarah leluhur matrilinèalnya. Sebab taun-taun yang disebutkannya mengingatkanku pada sejarah Tarèkat Qodiriyyah wa Naqsyabandiyyah, yang mana pada taun 1850 Tarèkat ini didirikan setelah difusikan, lalu paska Gunung Krakatau meletus terjadi pemberontakan kaum tarèkat di Banten, yang mana kini di Banten juga masih lagi berdiam seorang cucu Bapa: Muthia M. Tiada sesuatu yang kebetulan.

Surely I feel wire to a few data of Father about his up line mothernalic's history. 'Cause the years those said by him remind me to the history of Thoriqoh Qodiriyyah wa Naqsyabandiyyah, which ever in the year of 1850 this religious brotherhood communities was built up after been mergered in one thoriqoh, and after the broke of Krakatau Mountain there was foughter of thoriqoh's peoples in Banten, which today in Banten staying a Grand Daughter of Father: Muthia M. There is no an unintended event.

Suntingan-1: 12/09/2018: menambahkan PILIHAN SELANJUTNYA:

1. Lihat Anak Pertama Bapa Budi Priyatna: Diana Januari Priyatna.

2. Lihat Anak Ke-2 Bapa Budi Priyatna: Irma Apriani Priyatna.

2. Kembali ke Halaman Aki Soemantri Dendadimadja.

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